First four parts were written by these talents: Shahd (@Rambling_sha), Maitha aka Maitou (@Mayoothi), Sophie (@Sosepho), and Faisal (@FaisaliqKhan). In that order.
You may ignore this crap: THIS was a serious challenge for me. Honestly. Because-- To be completely honest-- I don't even know what I'm doing when I write poetry. I just write what I feel, and whatever comes out is it. So, having to continue a poem was more than just a challenge. And in addition to that, their parts were incredible. And I felt a little bit out of place, so I might have run out of their main theme, or disrupted the rhythm. xD (< That was inappropriately necessary. I just had to.)
(My part's in Bold. Or whatever.)
You may ignore this crap: THIS was a serious challenge for me. Honestly. Because-- To be completely honest-- I don't even know what I'm doing when I write poetry. I just write what I feel, and whatever comes out is it. So, having to continue a poem was more than just a challenge. And in addition to that, their parts were incredible. And I felt a little bit out of place, so I might have run out of their main theme, or disrupted the rhythm. xD (< That was inappropriately necessary. I just had to.)
(My part's in Bold. Or whatever.)
I’m a long way away,
From who I used to be.
Heading into the storm of the unknown,
Dreaming of what will be
Dreading what was,
Neglecting my past
But it still haunts me
Here I am today,
Dreadful but striving to stay
Fighting and kicking
Begging for help but I’m not heard
What have you done to me?
I want you
I need you
But yet you’re ignoring me
I shout
I scream
I cry
And again you’re scorning me
Am I worthless to you now?
After handling all the pain just to see you smile?
I don’t care
I don’t care
I lie
Hoping one day I believe that lie.
The lie of us coming together,
The fairy-tale I long for,
The tantalizing love everyone rambles about,
I want that.
But there’s a long way ahead of me,
And a past that carves my being.
What if you won’t accept me?
What if you don’t long for me too?
I want to live,
But what is life without your presence?
Tell me.
Do you feel the same way too?
Or am I making up these stories to fool myself?
Because I stand by the shore,
Talking to the sea,
About you,
And the waves clash,
Threatening me from moving any further.
So tell me,
Where do I go from now?
Should I go along with the tides?
As they drown me,
Entangle me, with your feelings about me?
I hope they take me to a peaceful dwelling where you will not exist,
But the nostalgia of our love, plagues my mind, they collide and abide,
I did not know your personality had a twist,
Or was it mine that you denied?
What have I done that diluted our conversations, I only ask?
What mistakes have I done, O loved one, which misguided your trust from my love, and twirled it into hate?
I only wished to be with you, though you thought I was wearing a mask,
I only wished to love you, although I not ever supposed that it could have changed my fate,
I have now travelled across the ocean of our past, and have found someone else. A Mayflower,
Someone who takes me for granted whilst never fails to grant me a happy hour,
Someone who loves me, and ponders that I had been enchanted,
I overthink way too much, she says, that I should ‘be original’, and should learn to create myself because she cares about me, and herself,
I try, I do try for her, but trying is not enough for her,
The thing that bothers me, O dear one,
Is that I only wanted you to be with me,
Leaving the world alone,
But I knew that was impossible, and could not happen,
I cannot adore this new person, because my adorns had disappeared with you,
My life is taken with you, my hopes and dreams travel with you,
I am now trying to be resilient, hopeful, and motivated, that you will return someday back to me,
I only wish, that you were here, alive, in my arms, so I again could give you more love, so you would again be with me,
Nonetheless I fear, that you may hate me more, and think that I am frustrating you, irritating you,
With those three words, with those three sentences you hated, but dear, it is the cold hard truth misshapen
I miss you. I adore you. I miss you.
And it is only that sad truth,
In those sad three little words,
That forced me to look back and see,
All that we had, and all that we used to be.
Don’t you remember?
Or was I the only who danced to our Melody—
My Melody?
Was I the only who could hear the music, or did you too?
If I were alone in this, then do forgive me.
For loving a love, that was never there.
Forgive me, for being enchanted by some false enchantment.
And do forget me, if it helps lighten the moon at night.
But I had only wished to say,
That even with my
I still feel quiet old.
Because I stand in the present with Time,
Yet my heart still lingers in the Past.
Where our hearts had once been bound,
By a secret only I thought were real.