Sunday, 1 December 2013

This is to My Youth.

To the Fallen, the Tragedies and the Misfits:

You were born to be everything more,
And nothing less
Than a carefully crafted
Wonderful mess.

You are a part of the Youth,
Who is dead and alive,
Intelligent and misunderstood,
Vibrant and dull,
Quiet and loud;
A paradox, within a paradox.

You are important.
You are unimportant.

You are significant.
You are insignificant.

You are whatever you choose to be.
The mold that was crafted for you,
Is not your mold at all.

You are a part of the Youth.
And we are reckless,
And we are insane.
We are hurricanes,
And many other storms.
But we are not—
We never will be
Clear blue skies.

And goddammit,
We’re proud.
