Thursday, 9 May 2013

Sophie's Twelfth Blogger Challenge: Write a Poem | 'The Pot of Gold'

I've decided to partake in Sophie's (Twitter: Sosepho , blog: Blogger Challenge, because it's exciting and because it's fun and because it's educational and because I want and other ands. This a terrible introduction, but we're basically supposed to write a poem, so voila:

When you are your highest,
When you are your greatest,
And when you are your wisest,
Remember that there is the Wiser,
And that there is the greater,
And that there is the older,
Always much higher.

But never worry, no.
Never be afraid.
Because when you smile to the universe,
It’ll only smile back.
And when you laugh with your head bent back,
It’ll call upon the stars, and ask them to you.
To stand for you.
To stand by you.
To stand to you.

And when you smile a little more,
At all the funny and all the bad,
It’ll gift you a rose with no thorns.
And when you cry a little less,
At all the worries and the mess,
It’ll gift you a tree with only apples.
But if you look up again,
And you dance, and you sing, and you laugh,
Because goddamit you can!
It’ll gift you the Pot of Gold,
The Pot of Mercy, and All That is Swell and Well. 

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