Monday, 1 December 2014

RANT: Problems with Khaleeji Soap Operas.

My mom is currently watching this gulf-soap-opera and I am watching it with her. Nothing has fueled my hatred for Arabic media more than these ghastly TV shows, and my reason is not related to anything religious, cultural, or traditional, but rather something a little more regional.

They say that they are tackling the most prevalent of problems in the region, like drugs, polygamy, among others. But the thing is, a lot of these wonderful TV shows present the problem without really presenting the solution. So, technically, a lot of these TV shows that the lot of you obsess over in the holy month of Ramadan, are using the above statement as an excuse.
Another problem I have with these TV shows is the way women are portrayed. Rarely do you find a character with potency and superiority—if you did, she, for some ambiguous reason, would be the enemy. Once again, the woman, in the Arab world, is degraded.
 The woman is also always dressed up, which is annoying. Last time I checked, none of the Arab girls that I know spend their mornings in a Moroccan dress with a perfect cat eye and a pair of Jimmy Choos.
 How are they ‘tackling the most prevalent of problems’ in the region, if they cant even manage to be realistic?

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that there are a lot of problems in the region that are so much bigger than polygamy, drug addiction—and falling off the stairs, then managing to get cancer. Stop being backwards.

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